Jonathan Hastings
Jonathan is a Group Product Manager at Squarespace in New York City, leading teams of engineers, UX designers, and data scientists to build software products that help users achieve success on the platform. Squarespace offers a suite of tools to help the next generation of the independent workforce of makers, thinkers, and doers to stand out, manage their online presence, and grow their business. Previously, he led Mobile Product at a fashion/tech startup called Rent the Runway. In addition to managing RTR’s iOS app and mobile web experience, he led the product initiative for subscription acquisition and growth across all of RTRs platforms, managing the transition to a subscription-first business. Before RTR, Jonathan was a product manager at the eCommerce site, which he joined the year it launched in 2015; Jet was later acquired by Walmart for $3.5 billion, then the largest acquisition in the history of eCommerce. Jonathan was President of Business Today in 2014 and graduated from Princeton in 2015, concentrating in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. As President, he nearly doubled revenue from the previous year, oversaw the expansion of BT’s Start @ a Startup conference, and dramatically increased the reach of the International Conference. Since graduating, he has continued to serve on the Board of Trustees on the Management Committee as chairperson, then on the Program Committee.